+30 6978940003

There are more than one ways to get to Aella.
If you are coming from abroad you will probably land in "SKG - Thessaloniki Airport Macedonia".
Thessaloniki is the second biggest city in Greece.

How to get to aella
~from Thessaloniki

By Car

(your own or rented)

The distance from Thessaloniki, Skg to Nikiti is about 100km, so it is calculated around 1h & 10minutes with an average speed of 90km/h.

This is probably the best way to arrive to Nikiti, because you 'll be able to easily visit all the beaches in Sithonia's peninsula.

By Taxi

There are Taxis that can pick you up from the airport & drop you at Aella Apartments.

The approximate cost of the ride is circa 90€.

You can contact us & we ll arrange your airport transfer.

By Bus

The distance with the bus is around 2-3hours depending on the stops.

You can find more info about departures etc here:

Ktel Halkidikis
Bedroom Ostria/Maestros